It isn't any secret that some of us, as we grow older, find that we don't hear so well anymore. We need help. Hear At Last, in Spanish Springs, offers help for the hard of hearing. But, take it from me, help for the hard of hearing does not come cheap!
Cool photo.
Everything keeps getting more and more expensive just as our incomes stop rising and we need more and more services.
Groan! Punny name!
Love the ornamentation of the building, and that funky sidewalk!
The premises look quite grand, so I can imagine the bill...
What did you say? HUH? Speak up.
What's that you say?
I'm with Vogon Poet - place looks grant! I love all those wee detalis and the photo is superb:)
Have a nice day!
I think we'd be better off if we turned our hearing aides to a different setting other than spouse.
I think poor hearing runs in my family. Either that or the years of blasting music through the headphones into my ears is making me hard of hearing.
I suspect this place does a lot of business
@ DL - Wow! You're treading on dangerous ground here, DL - ;-)
Hi Asta - I think I'd like your dad! I finally got hearing aids after going through much the same kind of thing...
And, one of the neat things is putting them away at night and tuning out the sounds of the world around!
I'm sorry. What'd you say?
It's more attractive than one of those places with no character, that's for sure.
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