One of the problems with living in Florida is that we have an inordinate amount of tornadoes...then we have hurricanes and hurricanes usually bring especially violent tornadoes. Several areas in and near The Villages have been hit hard over the past several years.
But, lo and behold, help is on the way. Just give this company a call and get your tornado shelter. Your house may blow away but you'll be safe. I think.
I've never seen a polo match, but polo is big in The Villages. The Villages has its own polo team and competes internationally. Not too long ago, they played a match in Barbados. Often, The Villages Polo Club hosts important international polo matches.
The Arnold Palmer golf course, pro shop and restaurant are relatively new to the Villages. The facilities are upscale and located between the Spanish Springs and Lake Sumter Landing hometowns.
Our thanks for Juergen Kuehn at Marburg Daily Photo for this wonderful and meaningful award. This award is bestowed upon a fellow blogger whose blog content or design is, in the giver's opinion, brilliant. It is about bloggers who post from their heart, who oftentimes put their heart on display as they write from the depths of their soul.
We are very much honored.
It is suggested the recipient offer 10 things that describe his or her honesty, but we're going to omit that, being relatively private persons.
It is also suggested that the recipient(s) pass the award on to other deserving bloggers.
Several businesses front Lake Sumter on the east side of the downtown square and they, in turn, are fronted by this white fence, which I thought quite attractive.
The Villages is one of the fastest-growing retirement communities in the United States.
Located in Central Florida, about an hour's drive northwest of Orlando, the Villages is now home to some 150,000 residents, many of which travel the area via golf cart.
There are now three "home towns" in The Villages, Spanish Springs, Lake Sumter Landing and Brownwood. Music and dancing is provided nightly in the town squares of each of the home towns.
The Villages is a beautiful community and we hope you enjoy viewing our photos showcasing its many charms.