Thursday, November 10, 2011

On a clear night ... can see forever...


cieldequimper said...

Ah this is absolutely lovely. It'll be one of my favourite shots ever of The Villages!

Lúcia said...

Beautiful nocturnal shot Lowell!
Love the lights. ;-)

Elettra said...

Beautiful image, unfortunately in my country it's raining for two days !!!!!!!

Karen said...

So incredibly peaceful. . . the calming blue sky, warm reflections and serene water. Definitely a blood pressure lowering kind of photo. Glorious!

Is this located anywhere anywhere near Leesburg? My husband's parents live there. I may have been here.

Thank you for visiting my blog. You mentioned a military base in Wisconsin called Williams. I guess it existed several years ago but it must be closed now. There is one called Fort McCoy though.

Unknown said...

Wonderful place and light.

Gary said...

Beautiful picture of Lake Sumter! Very well done! Love it!