I may be wrong, but I think this car may belong to Safe Leif from Eagan, Minnesota! He didn't tell me he was coming, though. Perhaps he wanted to surprise me. Nah, it couldn't be his; there's no rust spots from the salt used to melt the ice up there.
Nice car, though. I smoothed things over a little bit.
If you go "click" on the photo it should grow larger.
We shall be gone for a few days and I may not be able to post or comment until we get back. But we will be back.
Such a pretty red shiny smooth car. I like it.
Happy Thanksgiving. See ya when you get back. MB
Nice car, quite a contrast with the golf carts in background.
What a chic car, wow!
Have a nice trip and come back quckly:)
I hate to brag but since Jacob did post a photo of my car on his blog ....
Thanks for the visit!
I bet those golf carts have a thing or two to say to that Beemer ;)
have a wonderful trip
Wrong, Jacob, that's MY BMW! I came to visit and you weren't home! Safe Leif still drives a mini van full of little kiddos! Once my Suburban lease is over, I'm going to be styling in a 5 series BMW since I won't have a gaggle of kiddos to schlepp around anymore! The count down begins!!
... and I think Leif would also need a coffee maker in the car!
I'll take it! ;-)
Have a great Thanksgiving (we don't do that over here).
That's a shiny one! And it almost makes it to James' reflections! :)
God bless you!
@ Allison - Methinks you and Safe Leif will have to resolve this between yourselves because he insists it is his car.
And I wish you luck when the gaggle leaves...please check what the insurance will cost, though.
Also, it seems these days remnants of the gaggle often return to the nest which requires additional financial outlays.
It's my car, Jacob. Hands off! (Why is my nose growing?)
What exactly did you do when you say you 'smoothed'?-If you don't mind me asking, of course!
Hehehe - the car will grow when clicked on! I love how you word things! You're so funny!
With the compact size of their garages up there, this is the ideal conveyance through the Village streets. It sure beats a cart!
Sharp looking image Jacob!
I hope you are having a marvelous time, and enjoy a delicious and Happy Thanksgiving.
@ Tricia - Email me at: yanson2@aol.com.
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