The Villages is an over-55 community. Nevertheless, most of the people who work in The Villages live nearby and many of them have children, and thus the honchos in The Villages decided it was appropriate to build an elementary school, a middle school and a high school.
This is the high school, which as you can see, is a very fine facility.
Very good -looking school:) Must be nice to be there as a teacher as well as a student (as a tecacher probably better:))
Have a nice weekend!
Very beautiful place!People there have a high quality of life!
Have a nice weekend
What a splendid school! If you'd made me guess what this was, I'd have said a museum!
There are probably a number of students in attendance who treat it as a museum - when they're not sleeping...
I put on quite a boisterous event for +/- 1,000 very excited men and women in the theater inside this building. What a great crowd and everyone was so warm and welcoming. Terrific community of people.
@ Frank - Are you a comedian or a politician? Or maybe a TV preacher?
Schools built by businesses. What an amazing concept!! It's a lovely looking project. So you've opened up a lot of questions in my mind since our schools are always struggling for tax dollars. Do you think the business got a tax credit? Do all those over 55ers without children in the school have to pay taxes to pay for this school? In our town once their children graduate from high school, many people high tail it out of town because the taxes are out of this world. That's the dilemma we find ourselves in now. Maybe we should move to The Villages?
@ Antjas - Well, it's not always so amazing and studies have shown that charter schools don't do much better at educating that regular public schools.
Charter schools are, in fact, public schools, with more freedom to be creative.
I don't know about the tax credit.
With regard to taxes: From what I have learned, everyone living in The Villages pays taxes to keep the schools operational...for example, on one $400K house, the school tax was over $1,000.
C'mon down...it ain't "paradise" but it's close.
Well since everyone wants to say how they feel in what they think, I will give you a one on one. I went here from 7th grade all the way till 12th I graduated in 2007. The school is wonderful, in our learning experience was far better than any public school around. They prepared us for colege unlike public school.I am in collge now in the Villages helped me get here by preparing me before hand. So nobody has to guess anymore, because I am a proud alumni Buffalo!!!!!
My Children are both in the Charter School. We actually turned down Very Good employment opportunities to stay here so they could remain in the schools. The teachers are caring and nurturing. The ammenities are second to none. My daughters were both reading by age 5. We will stay local until they graduate. We feel very fortunate to have this luxury.
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