Directly across the street from the Spanish Springs town square is this particular restaurant.
Initially, it was an Italian restaurant with decent service and decent food. A year or two ago, it changed to a faux New Orleans style business. We made the mistake of eating there about two weeks ago. The service was almost non-existent; the iced tea was indistinguishable from water; Lois Anne's spaghetti tasted like a can of that Franco-American junk; and my sandwich bread had to be a week old.
Needless to say, we won't be back.
This month's theme is yellow. Click here to view the thumbnails of all participants.
Photo by Lois Anne.
not franco-american?!? =) very nice yellow photo for theme day, but the restaurant sounds like it won't be in business long if they continue to provide the type of food and service you received!
architectural yellow for theme day. excellent!
Love this building. It has so many characters that I can explore close-up shot of here and there and everywhere. I love the name of street too.
It's a pity to know about this awful service there!The place is so charming!In Brazil we said : "not always all that glitters is gold"!
Thanks for the advice,mainly like my friend Lois Anne, I do love spaguetti!
Have a happy April!
God bless you
Awww. What exactly is "that Franco American junk"? ;-)
Great yellow corner building!
@ CQ - Franco-American is a brand of spaghetti and tomato sauce that comes in a can (or used to)...it had a very distinctive taste and we'd feed it to the kids when we didn't have time to do a real meal. They loved it, usually, but it is truly awful!
It looks like a really nice place - but sorry you made the decision to eat there - sounds horrible! You got a nice shot though!
What a pity it was no good as it looks so inviting. Anyway a nice choice of photo for today.
Pretty .. so where does this deciding on the theme take place? And is it just on the first of the month or all month? I signed up at Photo a Day a while ago but had no idea there were themes... til today
@ Daryl. It's just the first day of the month, Daryl. Sign in at City Daily Photo, go to your account, and then Themes. You can find out the theme for the month and the code you need to include in your post.
Hilda and My Manilla is the expert!
Bourbon St, great name, cool zizzling yellow but shame about the place by the sound of it. Really annoys me when this happens to a favourite dining out or bar. Good for you for telling all. I believe a daily blog has room for the good bad and ugly sides of our towns.
Hi Jacob, This is a great building and nice corner, too bad about the food. Thanks to your visits to me in San Diego. I'm sorry that I don't get a chance to visit more - I just realized how many Daily Photo blogs you have! You must be busy too!
It's a very pretty building. Too bad it's a terrible restaurant.
Very nice photo for a theme day! Beautiful building!
Great building. Great choice for yellow day.
Sydney City and Suburbs
Great named (like bourbon (whiskey)) and no trousers. Worse luck!
Anyway - your photo is marvelous, Jacob.
What's really sad is that it used to be an amazing restaurant. The Executive chef at the time won "Best Chef of the Villages". The food was awesome, service impeccable and it was a clean, well kept restaurant. Unfortunately, the owners did not know how to run a business and ended up alienating any employee worth their salt including the front of the house manager, the sous chef and, of course the award winning executive chef. Needless to say, it plugged along, serving sub-mediocre fare, for about a year after the exodus and just recently took it's last labored breath. Great picture, though! Isn't she pretty?
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