Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Canadian Escapee(s)

The golf cart on the right obviously belongs to some poor soul(s) who escaped the frigid northland. I am not positive, but I'd guess he/she/they are from Ontario. He/she/they arrived about the same time as did many flocks of Canadian geese, also, according to their passports, from Ontario.

But the major reason I'm guessing that cart belongs to Ontario folks is found in the meaning of the word, "ontology," which is obviously related to Ontario.  "Ont" = "Ont."  What could be clearer than that? 

Ontology has to do with the study of the meaning of being.  Ontarions in The Villages know very well that the meaning of their being means to head to Florida for the winter.  Simple, right?


  1. I love it!! I wouldn't mind racing around Florida in one of those!! It's chill and wet -- AGAIN!! But it could be worse i.e. Canada, so I'll shut up! Fun pic for the day, Lowell! Hope your week is going well!!

  2. I would like to be there right now!

  3. Lol, you sure it doesn't belong to those Canadian geese? :-)

  4. It' just another fun day for Justin Bieber hanging out in Florida. :)

  5. Nice looking carts. I liked it.

  6. Nice looking carts. I liked it.

  7. I simply love these fabulous sleek looking golf carts.The one from Ontario has a maple leaf stickering on it :)

  8. Absolutely simple :)) you made me LOL with this post Lowell :)

  9. lol...but i bet they are enjoying florida right now!


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