Friday, November 9, 2012

Crash - into the dock

Here's another view of this infamous crash and the sinking of a sailboat.


  1. First time I've seen a dock decorated with flowers. Makes up for the destruction at the end.

  2. Is this the crash that's not really a crash Lowell, like in a scene from a movie!!

  3. Oooops!!! Sorry, didn't see the dock coming!! Love the flowers, too! Great shot for the day, Lowell, and a great start for my day!!

  4. not so infamous...I seem to have missed that one.
    putting the flowers there will ensure someone is always checking on the condition as they water the plants, I guess!

  5. OUCH!

    Great photo capture, Lowell!

    Have a super weekend, buddy!

  6. Hmmm. I am curious as to what the story is behind this crash.

  7. Hi Lowell, I remember you asking that question before, sorry I'm getting so scatty these days haha! Yes I did use a tripod for these shots, usually if I know I'm going to take shots at night I pop the tripod in the car, if it's a spontaneous thing, I try and find something to either sit the camera on, or lean against to steady myself, not always successfully!!


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