Saturday, April 9, 2011

Riding off into the sunset

Please note that as of today The Villages Daily Photo is closed. Photos of The Villages may appear occasionally on Florida Fotos. We thank all those who supported The Villages DP.


  1. A very nice way to ride onto another blog! :-)

  2. Oh NO!!!!!!

    And just when you captured a picture of my bike;)

    Maybe you'll change your mind?

  3. Doug of North CarolinaApril 9, 2011 at 3:11 PM

    Please come back. . . . your photos make my day!!

  4. Thank you all for your comments. The Villages DP won't be deleted for awhile. Photos of The Villages will be posted on occasion on our Florida Fotos blog, as will photos of Cedar Key.

  5. Good Luck as you ride off into the sunset. At least you got the girl too and not just the horse.

  6. It takes a lot of work to do several blogs. I know. I have been there and done that. I cut mine back to three on Blogger that are specific to me. I do have one about Japan and my experiences there but the others are on hold until I get inspired by something and want to start one of more of them back up.

    This is a beautiful bike and I like the colors. I don't like those "Choppers" on the television show. I think they suck and put the "Hell" in Angels.

    Yes, I try to learn about the birds and bugs and butterflies that I take pictures of. To me, it makes sense to learn as much about the "thing" that attracted me to it enough so that I wanted to take its picture. The Atlantis Fritillary is as large as the Red Admiral but smaller than a Monarch.

  7. I don't know how to ride a motorbike but your post is quite an inspiration to take it up! :)
    God bless you!

  8. How did I miss this beautiful thing?


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