Monday, January 10, 2011

Lake Sumter Landing flora to brighten the day!


  1. They certainly brighten my day and makes me long for summer!

  2. Lovely but not yet. I still want a bit of winter.

  3. So pretty! Besides the cold, my other complaint about winter up north is that there is no color. Everything is gray, even the sky. More snow coming today :(

  4. Refreshing!!!!
    It's really nice to see all these beautiful flowers!

  5. Gorgeous flower bed. I'm just getting into gardening myself and know NOTHING!

  6. They can't be looking like that right now down there, can they? Surely not!

    We got a little dusting of snow last night, but it's gone now! Florida, Texas, Georgia, N&S Carolina all got snow before we did here in SeMo! Crazy! =)

    Niiice header photo, too! =)

  7. Very Fallish. I like the clock picture too and all the ones I missed.

    That header is ga-wahgeous. How did you do that? MB

  8. Your hearder shot is still just beautiful. I am glad it is a straight out of the camera shot.

    The reason I took the photos from my car is because it is too hard to find enough room to pull over on a freeway and then again there wasn't that much traffic and it is a divided highway so no oncoming traffic. but still scary. Yes--no tripod!!

    I watched the pass reports and picked a day when there would be no snowfall and the roads would be bare and wet. Today Chains are required and that is a NO WAY for me.

    Yes I really enjoys my time away and the peace and quiet in never never land. MB

  9. Cheerful indeed. Days are grey here...

  10. Here we have all white, white, white, so it is startling and refreshing to this burst of color! beautiful.


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