Friday, March 26, 2010

Lake Sumter Landing boardwalk

You seen this scene before in various incarnations...this photo is compressed with a long lens and treated with the Triqui water color action.


  1. Very cool, Jacob!

  2. Interesting concept.

    What do you mean I must have used extra lighting, reflectors and a winch hanging from a tree with a flibberty-jibbot shinging on my Camellia?

    I went out to get something in my car and the outside light came on and looked pretty on my flowers and I went and got my ever-ready camera and clickety click and I got a picture. No planning--Never.

    There I said it and I am not cranky anymore. Your turn. MB

  3. I like very much the photo and the compressed view but, you know, effects aren't my favorite thing...

  4. I can't really put my finger on what I like about this. Very photogenic scene.

  5. I actually like both effects here. I'm a great fan of zoom ins but more surprisingly, I like the triwhateveryoucallit effect too.

  6. I like the photo and its a bit surreal taste. But I understand almost no one word :-)))

  7. The water loos so real! Feels like I could reach out and get my hand wet in it.


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