Saturday, June 20, 2009
Sunset in a window
Walking down the main street in Lake Sumter Landing one evening, Lois Anne's eye was caught by the sun setting in the window of this women's shop as well as by the reflections of buildings and lights from across the street; so she took the photo, which I think is a winner.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Lake Sumter Landing home
One of our photo bloggers asked me to post photos of some of the homes in The Villages. That's easier said than done for almost all of the residential areas are gated. This home, however, in a non-gated area, is representative of an entire section of frame houses located near the Lake Sumter Landing downtown.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
A pioneer motif?
The powers-that-be in the hometown of Spanish Springs must have decided to include a few artifacts from the "good old days" for some reason. The old cart sits on the sidewalk in front of an old door and gate, which, so far as I can tell, does not open, and if it did, would lead nowhere.
But it's all kinda cute!