Thursday, June 18, 2009

A pioneer motif?

The powers-that-be in the hometown of Spanish Springs must have decided to include a few artifacts from the "good old days" for some reason. The old cart sits on the sidewalk in front of an old door and gate, which, so far as I can tell, does not open, and if it did, would lead nowhere.

But it's all kinda cute!


  1. I found this composition very good and you got really the best of these good old days things.

  2. This is a little picture postcard of an image.

  3. Very philosophical words...
    and I agree it is all cute, door, gate, old cart!In my imagination it would be a carriage and "Cinderella"will open that door some day!
    I believe in dreams...
    Have a nice weekend dear Jacob!
    God bless you

  4. It's beautiful. Even if it's only decoration I love it:)

  5. Well, even still, it's an eye-catcher!

    Tomorrow I leave for the US and while I'll use pre-posting, I won't be able to check blogs for a bit! I'll be back!

  6. Have a wonderful trip, Bibi! We'll look forward to your return. Hope this is a happy time for you!

  7. What an amazing town! Doors that lead nowhere, fake this and that and golf carts everywhere you look! You know, I really like this cart, old or not.

  8. @ CQ - The Villages is intriguing because even though it's very much a Disneyland for adults, it's a heck of a lot of fun...just don't think about all the "fauxness," and go with the flow.

    I don't think we'd want to live there, but we enjoy visiting the hometowns on a regular basis.

  9. It's a superb photo Jacob!

    Love the atmosphere of it!

  10. Great background for this old cart!

  11. Scrolling down this page, I find that these photos are just beautiful. This sure is a beautiful-looking place.


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