Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Which one would you choose?

A golf car scene at Lake Sumter Landing. Click to embiggen.


  1. I'd pick the purple one! It looks like a fancy, VIP cart - that would fit me just right! Maybe it's even ELCA approved?

  2. @ Safe Leif - You silly goose. Only bishops can ride in purple golf cars!

  3. OK, maybe only bishops but I would choos it as well;)
    It's soooo cute and stylish.

  4. I want the one in the middle--I don't care what color it is. Just call me Bishop MB---MB

  5. May I have the red one in background?

  6. I'm not a bishop either, but I also like the purple one! Those grills are sexy. :)

  7. They are gorgeous!
    I liked the red one but in fact a pink golf car could fit better to my personality!
    Léia :)

  8. I don't know, they are all nice.

  9. @ VP - You are so silly! I specifically said you could choose between golf cars and that red one in the background is most certainly not a golf car...it is, I think, a Toyota.

    But, if you really want it...

  10. These wild carts are always fun to see. In a community like The Villages I MIGHT want to own one, but the urge to go crazy and want a 57 Chevy cart, or 38 Packard grilled model would probably kill me.

    Your TooJays looks very inviting. Must try it!!

  11. I'll have any of the other three! If I must, and since I'm French, I'll choose the middle one. I'll have to add a flag to it though.

  12. @ Ciel - the Tricolor, I suppose? ;-)

  13. I'm far from being a bishop but I would take the purple one too! Lol!

  14. Hi Jacob, please don't call me a bishop but I prefer the one in the middle, too.^^


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