Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The stage on the square - Lake Sumter Landing

It seemed strange to find Market Square at Lake Sumter Landing empty of people and the stage silent of song. This was taken late morning recently. Everyone must have been playing golf!

Nikon F100, Fuji Reala 100 film.


  1. Or maybe just staying home with a cuppa coffee and a good book. MB

  2. A good occasion to photograph it, I am quite happy when I see an usually busy place deserted for a moment.

  3. it's lovely even without people:)

  4. they all cleared out to allow for the the perfect shot :)

  5. At least this way we can see all the nice details. It's pretty!

  6. Are there frequent concerts or events in that area?
    God bless you!

  7. @ Cezar - both Spanish Springs and Lake Sumter Landing in The Villages have these stages in their downtowns...and there is a "concert" or band playing in each place every night...for dancing, if you wish. From 5 to 7 pm, drinks are two for one!

  8. The Villages was just in the national news on TV! A report on all the electrial cars puttering along there!

    By the way, is there ANY chance that you might possibly be a Democrat? Hmmm


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