Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bridge to shopping, churches and residential areas

From downtown Spanish Springs you can take a road leading over this bridge to several churches, various shops, medical facilities, and the Spanish Springs residential areas. It is used by both automobiles and golf carts.


  1. Beautiful bridge, and photo is so peaceful!

  2. Jacob, one more time I need to say you have the right sensibility to take fantastic pictures!This shot is perfect!
    Lovely bridge!
    Kind Regards

  3. Very original bridge, great composition!

  4. Great lighting & look at the duckies! hehehe

  5. Last year we enjoyed a Lifestyle Preview visit and fell in love with The Villages. The first night in town we stayed at one of the commercial hotels just outside Spanish Springs, and I got up early and walked around to get the lay of the land. I went over this bridge, turned around, and went back - probably three round trips. This bridge is just beautiful and the view from both sides is remarkable. Thanks for the wonderful photo!

  6. @ Gary - Thank you for your kind comments!

    Did you buy in The Villages?

  7. Jacob - I wish we bought in The Villages, but we are two years away from retirement. But if we live that long, we'll be there!

  8. @ Gary - Greetings! Yes, The Villages is quite delightful. There are a lot of hidden costs, though, so check them out carefully...especially the bond on the houses. If you buy used, make sure that bond ($30K, I think) is paid off...


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