Saturday, February 28, 2009

Village trolley

There are several of these vehicles in Spanish Springs. If you're investigating The Villages as a possible home, and visit the sales office in Spanish Springs, you will receive a free tour through the area on one of these trolleys, all the while, of course, being subjected to a sales pitch.


  1. That's a nice way to travel around town! Is there heat in it? Or do you really need it down there?

  2. No heat, Tricia. Generally, heat isn't needed, although there are a few days when it would be appreciated.

  3. I can see more of these being used in cities due to green issues. Who wouldn't not want to travel on one of these cuties.

  4. A great shot with excellent image buildup, Jacob.

  5. Kinda makes me wonder who's driveing.?


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