Saturday, May 21, 2016
Friday, May 20, 2016
Golf Cars all in a Row
The Villages, as most of my readers know, is a fast-growing adult (+55) community located in central Florida (about 70 miles northwest of Orlando and 30 miles south of Ocala).
At present there are over 157,000 residents in three major sections: Spanish Springs, Lake Sumter Landing and Brownwood. Each of these sections has a "hometown," consisting of shops and restaurants, with a town square where music is performed live every evening of the year barring inclement weather.
Most residents have a golf car. Many of these cars are customized to suit their owner's tastes. Some run on gasoline, others on batteries. The Villages provides golf car paths throughout its 20,000 acres! Golf cars that run on gasoline may drive on local streets provided they have the proper safety equipment such as lights, turn signals, etc.
There are so many golf cars running about the hundreds of miles in The Villages that it can be downright dangerous for bikers or pedestrians. Remember that many of the residents are old and shouldn't be driving a bicycle much less a golf car.
The pictured golf cars are "plain Janes." Most, if not all, are made by Yamaha. So far as I know, these are not sold to residents but rather to the numerous golf courses in The Villages. This is their "storage lot" in Lake Sumter Landing.
The Villages website is here.
Note: The above has been cross-posted to Ocala & Central Florida Photos.